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RE: Cops Tailgating
Are you serious?! 203 cigarettes warrants being asked to get out of the
car? I got pulled over one evening because
my new tires "looked worn out". I have a hard time determing if someone
has worn tires in the middle of the night traveling at 35mph but I guess
he has better eyes then I. He was fishing for a DUI but I was not under
the influence - oh well for him. At least I haven't been asked to step
out of the car again.
>From: quk@sievers.com[SMTP:quk@sievers.com]
>Sent: Friday, June 20, 1997 12:26
>To: daserde@ucla.edu
>Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: Cops Tailgating
>In message <199706191919.MAA61360@rho.ben2.ucla.edu> Michael Williams writes:
>> Yes, they only need to have reasonable cause...thats it...scary
>> stuff......
>I crossed the "packhorse bridge" at Trier from Luxembourg to Germany in a
>friend's Golf GTI once. We were pulled over.
>"Do you have anything to declare?"
> "No"
>"Do you have any cigarettes?"
> "Yes, 200 duty-free"
>"How many cigarettes do you have?"
> "200"
>[Q&A repeated three times]
>"Please get out of the car"
> "Why?"
>"You have more than 200 cigarettes. There's a packet with three in it on the
> dashboard"
>Five hours. Who says the Germans aren't inventive?
> Phil Payne
> phil@sievers.com
> Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club