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Re:Almost all metal>all metal heat valve
In a message dated 97-06-21 09:55:46 EDT, you write:
<< I just came back from Pep Boys and had a look at the heater control valve
(#74671). It's *mostly* metal, but the valve and body are (black)
plastic--overall body is same diameter as the heater hose i.d. One hose
connection is metal and the other is part of the plastic body. >>
I found an all metal one at local parts place (Everco #H2970)-$28. Don't know
if there is any advantage. The nipple for the diaphragm is slightly smaller
than orig. so the streched vac hose tip will be loose. Replace with a new
piece of tubing.
([____]=====OOOO=====[____]) 87 5kcsTQ, 202k miles
[]]]]]]]][Mike Aiello][[[[[[[] original owner
Dutchess County, NY