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Hi! Mike
It's not complicated,it's time comsuming if you just want thing done
good.Ask to Qlist who has this engine.preferably 5 speed because you
don't need to modify the accelerator cable and mechanism.the fuel system
that my 80 quattro have are the same of the turbo 5000 1987,so you have
to investigated what kind of fuel system you car have.try to find an
engine that have all the stuff and low milage(60k are good)!try to buy
new bolts and nuts direct to dealer because it's good insurance when
done this.Remember if you made this try to use the repair manual!
Another thig is when find the engine change all gasket and seal.
you could run this engine with the same ECU that the car have so you
have to do is find a chip tuning.
Try to find a good mechanic or technisian from a dealer ask him if he
can help in this thing.
Remember it not complicated but it's time consuming if you really made a
decision to fit this engine and have some trouble feel free to call me.