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RE: Coupe Quattro 20V ISV question
Hmmm, have you checked your fuel system? fuel pump & filter? What
about the Oxy sensor?
I just can't see why changing to a different plug would cause problems.
The only plugs I could see that would cause problems might be those
gimmick split fires. Other than that, I have to admit I normally run
NGK plugs, so I'm not *too* familiar with the Bosch Platinums....
Best Regards,
Mark Nelson (markn@brls.com)
Incline Village, Nevada
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1990 Audi S2 Quattro (Building for SCCA Pro Rally)
Past Audis: 1987 5000CSTQ, 1987 5000CSTQW
> ----------
> From: jgraham1@erols.com
> Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 1997 2:01 PM
> To: Mark Nelson
> Cc: jgraham1@erols.com; Quattro List
> Subject: Re: Coupe Quattro 20V ISV question
> Mark Nelson wrote:
> > Are you sure you set the gap correctly on the plugs, according to
> the
> > factory specs?
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > Mark Nelson (markn@brls.com)
> > Incline Village, Nevada
> Yup! did it. Stop and go driveing is ok. But highway driveing is
> like
> bucking a headwind, no
> zip. I thought the Bosch plats would be better, but it turned out nut
> to
> be.
> John.
> 1990 QC