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Re: interesting source for intercooler cooling setup, other stuff
In article <v03102803afd58a053052@[]>, in
mail.Audi_List,Brett Dikeman wrote:
> Fourth part:
> someone mentioned that they usually did water injection right onto the
> turbine.
That was me... :-)
> Silly question perhaps, but wouldn't the sudden change in
> temperature cause all sorts of nasties?(another extremely technical > >
We have done this for years,on all sorts of different set ups with no
problems.By spraying onto the centre nut that holds the compressor wheel
on,(usually a multi point nut),this stops the spray directly impinging on
the compressor blades.Any thermal shock the shaft assembly suffers it seems
able to cope with with impunity.
> On the other hand, is the quantity of water you're spraying >
> so it doesn't cool the blades that much?
No,we spray a fairly large amount of water,or water / alcohol mix.The
compressor never seems to mind.... ;-)
Best Regards,
Chris Wilson