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Re: Black A4


	I am glad to hear that indeed the few that have a black car seem to
appreciate it. Ok, so it's hot, and ok you need to wash it a little
more, but it still looks better than some colors I've seen.

	I currently have a black GTI (until my a4 arrives), and regardless of
having to wash it and the putting up with the Heat (after the airco or
open windows get rid of it), it's still my first choice color.

	Is it true about the white undercoat though??


Jeff Kimbel wrote:
> Since sentiment seems to be running against black, I felt compelled to add
> that I agree that black is very difficult to keep clean, but IMHO any other
> color is a compromise.  For $30K or so I'm loath to compromise and besides
> I happen to like washing my car.  So I guess you have to love the color or
> washing your car.
> Cactus Green would be my second choice.  I saw a Pelican Blue A4 1.8t the
> other day and I think it was the ugliest color I've seen (hope I don't
> offend anyone).
> -- Jeff

Michael Albers (malbers@netscape.com)
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