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Re: V8 Questions....
At 01:29 PM 6/26/97 -0400, WARATAP@aol.com wrote...
>In a message dated 97-06-26 02:29:45 EDT, mlarosa@BayNetworks.COM (Mike
>LaRosa) writes:
><< Here are the production numbers for
> V8's and the coupe as well :-)
> Mike L.
> >
> >Calendar year V8 quattro Coupe quattro
> >1989 889 461
> >1990 1934 847
> >1991 527 364
> >1992 270 58
> >1993 170 --
> >1994 77 --
> >1995 1 --
> >
> >Total 3868 1730
> >
> > >>
>These are calender year, not model year? So my V-8, produced in March
'89 is
'89 and '90 are '90 model year cars.
>part of the '89 figure? I thought some of the '89s (available in
Europe only
>at that time) were manufactured in '88.
Maybe. Don't know....
>Secondly, are these total production figures, or only for U.S. bound
>vehicles. I suspect the former.
You are correct, U.S. cars only.
>-Ingo Rautenberg
>'90 V8Q 174k+