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Re: Coupe Quattro 20V ISV question

My 91 CQ exhibits similar low rev instabilities very ocasionally (usually
after coming off hard throttle). Changing plugs from Bosch tri-electrodes
to Platinums made no difference, car runs very smoothly most of the time. 
I do not believe this is a plug issue.

BTW, Bosch Silver vs Platinum was almost the same price.

> Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 21:30:23 -0500
> From: jgraham1@erols.com
> Subject: Re: Coupe Quattro 20V ISV question
> Mark Nelson wrote:
> > Hmmm...that really seems rather odd, since I *think* Bosch makes the
> > plugs for these cars!  Have you tried any other brand of plugs besides
> >
> > the Bosch plats?  I've mostly run NGK's in my ex 5KTQ's with no
> > problems
> > whatsoever, and was going to run the same in the s2.
> >
> > cya!
> >
> > -mark nelson
> >
> >         <<
> Most other plugs were resistor types. And they were way way worst than
> the platinums.
> I haven't seen any tri electrode NKGs. what the number of these plugs?
>  By the way I'm getting your mail twice. There should be ony one from
> you and one from the list server.
> John.
> 1990 QC

Jon Sala 
Clinical Engineering			jsala@skynet.uah.ualberta.ca
Walter McKenzie Centre 0D1.00		http://skynet.uah.ualberta.ca
University of Alberta Hospitals 	(403) 492-6711
Capital Health Authority
8440 112 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T6G-2B7