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RE: antique car?

You won't need three hands, but you will need to disassemble more than
you would think. Don't be shy taking stuff apart to get the lid off. It
will finally come loose enough for you to be able to slide the old one
out without ripping anything, and the new one back in also without
ripping it. While you're in there, why not replace it with a K&N
replacement (reputed to give greater flow for longer than a paper
element one)? BTW, pay attention to how you got in there, 'cause you'll
need to do basically the same rip-apart to change thr headlight bulb,
should that ever become necessary.
-Ian Duff.
	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Charles Bryant [SMTP:bryant@gmpvt.com]
	Sent:	Friday, 27 June 1997 8:06 PM
	To:	'quattro@coimbra.ans.net'
	Subject:	RE: antique car?

	First, let me say that I've loved reading the stuff from other
	on this list. While I'm not a hands-on guy to extent of some
here (no 
	keyboard in my Q-90 yet, darn!), I've really found some great
stuff from 
	you more intrepid folks.

	Now here's the question; It's time to replace the air filter in
the '89 
	Q-90 I've got.  I've replaced the light bulbs, changed oil, etc
	maint.) on the Q before, but have yet to attempt replacing the
	 When I bring the car in for a lube, I'm told that the dealer
must replace 
	it.  Is this true?  Do I need three hands to replace the air

	'89 90Q - Blue