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Re: Ur-Q rally cars...

>Any chance of scanning this pic for us?

I've tried but the resolution at 300x600dpi (the limit of my cheapo scanner)
makes it difficult to see what I was talking about ... I also noticed that
it's not running a front a/r bar (but has a rear bar!) and has the same pair
of additional links running from the front control arms to mounts added to
the bottom of the front nose panel.  All the brake and fuel lines are
apparently run inside the car (standard rally car practice) as they're not
visible ... like I said, interesting.
     _                _
    / |      _| o    | \       _| o     Jeffrey Goggin
   /__| | | / | | __ |  | | | / | |     audidudi@delphi.com
  /   | |_| \_| |    |_/  |_| \_| |     http://people.delphi.com/audidudi