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Dutch Audi Pricelist

At the Mt Washington Hillclimb practice on Saturday, Thompson Smith
gave me an extra copy of a full line 1997 Audi pricelist.

Now while I can speak and read a bit of German (nur essen und geld),
I am having a hard time reading Dutch. Here are a few of the
points that I have found interesting so far. All prices are in 
US Dollars, converted at the Wall Street Journal 6/27 quote
of f1.947 = $1.00.

They get the A3, A4, Cab, A6, A8, S8.

They get a hideous number of engine/body permutations.
In the US I think we get a total of 8 different A4s:
	1.8T/5		1.8T/a		1.8Tq/5		1.8Tq/a
	2.8 5V/5	2.8 5V/a	2.8q 5V/5	2.8q 5V/a

I have listed below __43__ different A4 combinations: 
				FWD	FWD	FWD	Quat	Quat
			HP	5sp	auto4	tip5	5sp	tip5
A4	1.6 C	4dr	101	25,675	27,678	x	x	x
A4	1.6	4dr	101	26,343	28,346	x	x	x
A4	1.8 5V	4dr	125	28,963	30,966	x	32,558	x
A4	1.8T 5V	4dr	150	32,763	x	35,639	36,359	x
A4	2.6	4dr	150	35,485	x	38,362	39,081	x
A4	2.8 5V	4dr	193	42,625	x	45,501	46,220	49,096
A4	1.9 DI	4dr	75	27,730	x	x	x	x
A4	1.9 TDI	4dr	90	29,938	31,941	x	x	x
A4	1.9 TDI	4dr	110	31,633	33,636	x	35,229	x
A4	1.6	Avant	101	27,884	29,887	x	x	x
A4	1.8 5V	Avant	125	31,017	33,020	x	34,612	x
A4	1.8T 5V	Avant	150	34,818	x	37,694	38,413	x
A4	2.6	Avant	150	37,540	x	40,416	41,135	x
A4	2.8 5V	Avant	193	44,679	x	47,555	48,274	51,150
A4	1.9 TDI	Avant	90	31,993	33,996	x	x	x
A4	1.9 TDI	Avant	110	33,688	35,691	x	37,283	x

The prices are much higher in The Netherlands than the US.
There are 3 prices listed, here is one example:
A4	1.8T 5V	4dr	150	Quat 5sp	
	Netto 			excl BTW, excl BPM	23,454
	Bruto 			incl BTW, excl BPM	27,558
	Consumentenprijs	incl BTW, incl BPM	36,359

The above price table is the Consumer price, I'm guessing
that the BTW is the dealer markup, and the BPM is a tax, Tom???

There are gigantic numbers of options that I cannot understand,
the book is 106 pages.

The S8 is $109,856 WWWWWOOOOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!

If anybody has any questions I'll try to answer them.

Glenn Lawton