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RE: ACCIDENT, body shop, legal? HELP!

Damn, the 90q20v was looking good at Mt Wash. Sorry to hear of your

Sounds like you might have a case for assault, if she hit your open

Try Patsy's in Concord, NH, per Chris Semple. They did the alignment of
my CQ after the "collision experts" couldn't figure it out. Another try
is Eurosport in Nashua (they don't do their own, but jave a pet shop
that apparently is quite good). In any event, GET REFERENCES of
SUCCESSFULLY fixed quattros. HTH.

-Ian Duff.
	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Paul_Royal@idx.com [SMTP:Paul_Royal@idx.com]
	Sent:	Wednesday, 02 July 1997 8:10 AM
	To:	audi-20v@avs.com; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
	Subject:	ACCIDENT, body shop, legal? HELP!

	Hi Folks,

	1. I may be looking for a body shop on the Northshore of
Massachusetts or
	Southern, NH.  Any recommendations?
	2. The damage to my 90 90Q20v is isolated to the driver's
	what happened:

	Coming home on I-95 last night I "flashed to pass" a Ford
Taurus.  The
	driver did not yield, so I passed on the right.  The story
should have
	ended there.  About 7-10 miles later I change lanes (3) 1 at a
	signaling for each.  Suddenly I find myself being tailgated
(less than 3
	feet behind) by the Taurus...I downshift and she locks 'em up.
The Taurus
	comes back after me (driver practicing showing me her middle
digit in
	progress) and I decide to stop near the end of the off ramp and
have a
	talk.  I get out of my car and this $%&#$% nearly runs me over
and just
	hits my open door, bending it back like a newly sprained thumb.
She backs
	up, I scream at her to pull over and she finally does about a
mile up the
	road.  I insist that the police are called and a report is
filed.  She
	tells the longest string of lies I've ever heard, shows no
remorse, and I'm
	starting to feel really, really bad for this @#%@#$^'s husband.
	No citations are given, but I'm thinking of putting her in for
an academy
	award.  I inform her that I did not "slam on my brakes" because
if I had
	she would be now sitting in the back seat of my car (just ask
Bob "Watch
	out!!!!! Moose!!!" Davis) as I have just installed high
performance brakes.

	3. What I did was stupid...I could have been maced, run over, or
	stopped this getting out of the car practice quite awhile ago.
Perhaps the
	fact that I had just left a family member in grave condition in
	hospital had something to do with this "out of character"
move...so spare
	me the lecture (I know it was stupid).
	4. The damage will probably not exceed my $500 deductable (or
maybe it

	5. What's the best way (how would you proceed) to attempt to
collect for
	damages.   Do I call her insurance company?  Small claims court?
	and intimidation?  Offer to have someone break her jaw?

	Any advice would be appreciated.

	Thanks In Advance,

	     Paul "Havin' A Great Day" Royal