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Re: Audi Brakes

PATRICK_KELLY@HP-Andover-om3.om.hp.com wrote:
> Item Subject: Text_1
>      Hi Bob,
>      My name is Patrick Kelly and I've been following your post on the
>      Quattro list regarding your brake drag problem.  Yesterday my 87 5kQ
>      did pretty much the same thing on the drive to work.  I just finished
>      doing the timing belt, water pump job. The only work I did to the
>      hydraulics or brakes was to change the pump belt and top off the
>      hydraulic fluid.  About 30 minutes into my drive on a 75 degree
>      morning the brakes started to drag and the brake pedal was very hard.
>      I didn't try any hard stops and the indicator light never came on.  I
>      let the car cool down till lunch and drove it again and everything was
>      normal. Drove it home and back to work today and everything seemed
>      normal.  I talked with my parts guy who said its the bomb and it
>      should have been replaced anyway since I'm approaching 200k miles.
>      The Bentley manual has a whole pressure checking procedure for the
>      hydraulic system that I'm considering having done but I thought I'd
>      ask you how you made out with your '89 since the symptoms you
>      described are very similar to mine.  Any help is greatly appreciated.
>      TIA,
>      Pat Kelly
>      kpatrick@an.hp.com
   A quick update on my brake problem.  I installed a used "bomb"
yesterday and it DID NOT change a thing with my 89 brake drag.  After 5
miles of slow speed neighborhood travels, the car slows down as before,
with greater engine effort required.  You can see the boost turbo gauge
actually go up from .4 to .6 when travelling @ 30 mph.  The used bomb
reguires a much sharper pedal stab to get the light to blink and after
engine shutdown, 20 pumps seem to be there inreserve.
   We had a bitchin' storm here in Mpls last night.  My basement carpet
got soaked as gutters overflowed when 4" in half an hour came down.  The
car will probably sit for another day as drying out the mess takes
priority.  Let me know if any of your tests proved anything.
Bob Ringlien