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Pikes Peak Audi Event-Long
Well Q-List gang,
All I can say is this kind of fun MUST be illegal!
The Pikes Peak event was nothing short of GREAT!
I arrived late Wed. and Barton Chambers and I hooked up for breakfast
Thursday morning. We managed to find a car wash to clean the road crud off
his nice red 911 and my lago blue 200Q. Bart is one COOL dude to hang out with!
Additional Q-List members from all OVER the US and one from Holland arrived
in CO Springs late Thursday in preparation to soak up some serious high
altitude sun and to suck, and gasp for some Oxygen at 13,000 feet at Devils
Playground the next day. Ben Howell organized for us to have our OWN parking
space at Devils Playground across the crazed masses on the other side of the
The festivities started Thursday night as 20+ Qlist members had Pizza and
badly needed fluids to prepare for the July 4th event.
The alarm screeched at 5:30AM Friday morning and the Q-list gang assembled
at the Pike Peak Museum at 6am to begin the drive up the Hill....
Hmm, lets see, who? showed up for the fun........forgive me if I leave
anyone out.
Ben Howell and his SO in a black 89 200TQ
Carl Jerrits in the 87 5000TQ Beast w/911Turbo F Calipers and 962 rotors
ABT flares and extensive turbo mods. What a awsom car!
Dave Lawson and Alex Chemushin in the Beautiful green ur-Q
Barton Chambers riding shotgun in my car
Steve Buchholz and Arun Rao in Steve's ur-Q
Daniel Hussey in his 88 Pearl 5000TQ
James Marriot, Karen and Tom Nas from Holland in a 4000Q
Brenden Rudack in a Coupe Q
Robert and Annette Myers in the 89 200TQ Q-Ship
Eric Renneisen in the red Coupe Q
Bruce Bell
Todd Phenneger and Adam Diekerhof (sp?) in a 4000Q
Ingo Ratten in a nice V8 with 17" Compomotive wheels
Jim Griffen Grey '92 100
Chad Clark (nice 5000TQ) and Dave ? (has nice VW VR6 Corrado)
Ed Kellog in a blue 91 200TQ wagon
The sight of all these Audis cruising up Pikes Peak was awsome! The weather
behaved very well and was in the high 30's in the morning and then warmed up
nicely as time went on. It was a little chilly at times when the wind kicked
up and the clouds passed by. 30 minutes after the race ended we were greeted
with Rain, Hail and lightening as we made our way down the mountain.
The cars and motorcycles in the morning session were ok but the real fun
began in the afternoon with the super stock Trucks and the open catagory
which featured the record holder (10min/4sec) Rod Millen in his AWD Toyota
Celica with a little 2.0 liter Turbo engine with something like 1000HP!. The
super stock trucks were incredibly fast as they screemed by going sideways
and sounding like a pro stock drag car. Seeing these cars in person was a
real eye opener! The Diesel powered trucks were also a crowd pleaser with
the bellowing black smoke out of the HUGE exhaust pipes. Tom shared some
photos and brochures that he brought over from Holland and we all drooled
over the awsome cars he had info on.
Friday night the group went to dinner and later watched Audi videos as I
rested my O2 deprived brain with a massive Headach.
Saturday morning was filled with car washing and pigging out for breakfast
at a local eatery. Tom Nas showed us a Audi A3 promotional interactive CD he
got from Hans in Germany that we NEED to get shipped over here in the US.
It had a whole slew of movies depicting the A3.
After saying goodbye to a few listers, several of us headed up to old
Stapleton Airport runway to watch a PCA event with some nasty Porsches
running around the aprox. 2.7 mile track. Man oh Man, this is a whole-nother
world of racing! There was some serious hardware running around the pit area
and on the track, the quickest modified Porsche was hitting 165Mph on the
back straight.
After watching a couple of run groups (30-40 cars in each group!) scream
around the track we left to do some racing of our own at the local Malibu
Grand Prix. The clouds cleared and the track dried just in time to allow us
curb jumping, cone smashing qlisters to have some fun careening around the
track. Dave ? and I managed to get the quickest time around the track
(having a quick car helped!)
We then said our good-byes and began thinking about heading home.
The Pikes Peak event is over, but having the opportunity to meet some
incredible people and to match faces/cars with qlist names that I have been
corresponding with for several years will not be forgotten for some time.
Much thanks to Ben Howell, James Marriot and the rest of the gang for making
my trip memorable!
Scott M.
89 200TQ