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RE: Master cylinder grief

You need to use a pressure bleeder to get it right. Not too hard to do,
check Dan's archives.
-Ian Duff.
	-----Original Message-----
	From:	RC Ringlien [SMTP:rringlie@isd.net]
	Sent:	Thursday, 10 July 1997 9:39 PM
	To:	PATRICK_KELLY@HP-Andover-om3.om.hp.com
	Cc:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
	Subject:	Master cylinder grief

	Patrick and other listers:
	   Finally found a used MC to try on my 89 200. After
installing,  I was
	under the back end bleeding the rear brakes, with my wife
pushing the
	pedal, I hear this fluid running on the floor.  My HYDRAULIC
	overflows all over.  I start the car, level goes down, shut
engine off
	,resume bleeding process and level goes back up.  Is this
normal?  Am I
	discharging the bomb through the booster with all these pedal to
	floor actions?
	   It was getting late and the mosquitos were hungry so I quit
for the
	night and didn't finish bleeding tho I finally had some pedal.
	ideas on this weird occurence?  
	Bob Ringlien