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In message <199707142242.SAA01293@coimbra.ans.net> Andrew Asher writes:

> Now the proud but broke owner of an 85 Turbo Coupe and still trying to
> track down an owners manual.  Does anyone know how to change the
> settings of the digital dash from MPH to KPH ( were metric in NZ ).

There is a rocker-style function selector switch on the right of the 
dash.  Press and hold the right side of the switch until "MPH" starts to flash. 
Release the switch, press it again, and then press the left side of the switch.

The left side of the switch is used in a similar way to switch between odometer 
and trip odometer.

> It is also starting a disturbing habit of telling me the brakes are
> defective and the front diff locks itself for fun occasionally.  Is this
> possibly a system vacum problem ???

a) Bomb.
b) Check the vacuum hoses first, as they're cheapest and quite often the 

 Phil Payne
 (Temporarily 100012.1660@compuserve.com)
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club