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A4 answers/vanity plates

> Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 22:39:35 -0400 ()
> From: Steven Kim <steven.s.kim@vanderbilt.edu>
> Subject: A4 questions
> I have a little over 20k miles on by A4Q and the 
> brakes still squeak.  Shouldn't the squeaking go way 
> with use?

No. Mine still squeak and apparently so do many other listers'
A4s. Seem to be a little better after 1 or 2 hard stops but
soon back to "normal". Probably related to pads but they seem to
work well and wear very slowly (despite copious dust on wheels!).
These are clearly "features" of the brakes :-)

> Also, I notice noise coming from the front wheel wells 
> every time I drive over a bump.  It sounds like
> chains rattling everytime I drive over a bump.  The 
> sound has a similar pitch as the squealing brakes.  
> Any ideas?  (The sound disappears when I brake going 
> over the same bump)

Mine too, but must see if the brake stops it as you suggest. Its a high
pitched very brief rattle which seems to come more from the front right
of the car. Anyone any ideas. 
> Finally, what kind of wax can I use to get that 
> shiny "wet" look?

Mothers 3 step or Meguiars are great. Avoid infomercial pushed products
that wipeon/off and last forever. There's no short cut to a top finish
on your car in my experience. Check out Mothers Home page for useful tips
at http://www.mothers.com/carcare.html

Vanity Plates:
       My car has:     A4 T      (Friends ask if its an A40)
       I quite like:   PDQ A4    (Pretty Damn Quick)
                       A4 TQ

      The A4 leaves plenty of possibilties!
Greg Spark
sparkg@SPAMOUTwave.co.nz  (remove SPAMOUT from email address to reply)
Hamilton, New Zealand
'96 A4 1.8Tq 5sp