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cc: re: 5k A/C Mutiny- help?

On Monday, July 14, 1997  9:13 PM, RWO @ UNIX (Robert W Obrien) 
{rwo@u.arizona.edu} wrote:
>Date: 14-Jul-97 21:13:44 -0700
>From: RWO @ UNIX (Robert W Obrien) {rwo@u.arizona.edu}
>To: QUATTRO @ UNIX {quattro@coimbra.ans.net}
>Subject: 5k A/C Mutiny- help?
>  To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>  From: Robert W Obrien <rwo@u.arizona.edu>
>Good evening, listers,
>My 5000CS Turbo decided to overrule my climate control suggestions. The
>compressor works fine, cool air flows, what's the problem? AC only from
>the defrost vents when "AUTO" is selected. Floor vents too. I think all
>the parts, mechanically, are functional, because selection of "ECON" gets
>air (uncooled) through the dash vents. Is this the "brain"? Well, it's
>summer in Arizona and my faithful Audi is navy blue- I need to figure this
>out. I do have the Bentley manual, but does anyone have any BTDTs? If so,
>and it is electronics-related, anyone know a reversible way to overrule
>the "closing door" in the dash which directs air anywhere but where I want
As a temporary summer quick fix you can go in from the glove box and tie 
the door open with about 2 feet of wire. If this is not clear you can 
call me at 770-446-8880 x130

Jens Oxlund

5KCSTQ 86'