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Re: Check it out

Frederic Breitwieser wrote:
> >Did anyone else recieve a bulk junkmail that talked about $50,000 in 3
> It is somewhat common for bulk-mailers to find lists across the internet
> and bulk mail the list.  This is why a lot of MajorDomo List Operators make
> the "Who" command private, thus not allowing any "snerts" to get access to
> the oh-so-sacred list.
> Personally, I don't mind PAPER junk mail, as it keeps the post office busy
> and gives me tinder for my fireplace during the winter :)  Though I have
> quite a few car magazines for that as well LOL.
> Cheers,
> Fred

I got the same sh#t, too. Usually I don't bother myself and send all it
the trash (where it belongs).
BTW: http://www.autobild.de/ is nice, it has an article about A8 TDI.
tingly, it is significantly cheaper, than a full-blown A6 QW... I seen
for 95TDM, the A8 TDI is for 83TDM. At this point I really appreciate
prices in the U.S.!
