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forwarded question

Forwarded message:
>From Evangelos.Tozakoglou@snrichards.com Fri Jul 11 16:07 EDT 1997
Message-Id: <199707112007.PAA13784@mail.snrichards.com>
Date:  Jul 11, 1997 15:05 -0600
X-UIDL: 868910514.009
From: "Evangelos Tozakoglou" <Evangelos.Tozakoglou@snrichards.com>
To: dans@ans.net
Subject: Re[4]: Majordomo problem (quattro)
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 1258

     Subject: Oil in IC hose and wheel vibration.
     Dear Audi support group:
     I have two problems with my 5K T '86.
     1) Recently I removed my IC hose to check for leaks (my max. boost is 
     0.9).  I found that there was a significant quantity of Mobil-1 in 
     there. Probably as much as it can keep in the grooves.  Is this a bad 
     sign? No particles of any kind, just oil.
     2) I feel a vibration on my front, driver's side wheel when I turn 
     right at high speed (for example, changing lanes at the highway at 
     over 55mph).  It feels like a rattling, frequency increasing with 
     speed, and it only happens over 50-55mph.  I thought something was 
     loose, so I re-torqued everything, but no improvement.
     TIA for any suggestions