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re: Tech stuff 4kqt

My thoughts on your 3 questions:

1.  After run cooling fan only works with key 'on.'
  Try jumping the thermo switch on the bottom of the radiator (try a big
paperclip across both wire terminals).  That should make it always run.  If
so, then maybe your thermoswitch isn't working.  If not, it's probably the
2.  After run turbo coolant pump never works.
Fixed this on my '91 200 by replacing the multifunction thermoswitch.  Check
the bentley for diagnostics.
3.  Despite new switch, back-up lights don't work.
Had a similar problem with the old 4000csq; check the wiring at the trunk
hinge; check your grounds for the rear lights (and check the bulbs while
you're at it!), then check to make sure the correct wires are on the switch
(sorry, don't recall the colors; someone must...). 
Hope this helps
chris miller, windham NH  c1j1miller@aol.com

Any tips on easy diagnosis and repair?

4K Turbo Quatt.