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Re: Unable to Solve Overheating 4000q
Phil Payne wrote:
> I have recently spoken to two people who have re-imported ur-quattros (one a
> Sport) from the Middle East - one from Bahrain and one from Doha. Both had the
> engine block thermostat removed.
> Actually, that's a simplification. What we found in both cases was the
> outer ring of a normal Audi thermostat with no signs that the frame that
> holds the thermostat assembly to it had ever been fitted. The two holes
> each side into which the frame's legs are pressed were present - but there
> was no sign that the frame had been removed. I think this might be a
> special "non thermostat" part for desert conditions. Maybe it improves
> the flow?
A (COMPLETELY UNSUBSTANTIATED) rumor I've heard before is that having no
thermostat _reduces_ cooling. The theory is that the water flows through
the engine and rad so fast it can't absorb/give up any heat. Stranger
things have happened . . .