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Re: Ingolstadt

Greg East wrote:
> If you're interested in finding out a little bit about your car's hometown,
> try this URL
> http://www.ingolstadt.de/ingol_e.htm
> Greg East
> Loveland, Colorado USA
> gregeast@frii.com

.... And as I know, at least the 1.8 engines (maybe the 2.8 ones, too)
made in Györ, Hungary. Further, the Audi assembly (as I know) happens in
sulm. Anyway, the headquarters are indeed in Ingolstadt, a nice city in
Bavaria (Niederbayern). Thus, well, if somebody does not know, the "True
Car" is not just a BMW. True, it is only one kind of car made in Upper
(Oberbayern) and only one kind made in Lower Bavaria. Interestingly, the
people from
Oberbayern like to tease ones from the Niederbayern and vv. So are the
owners of the
cars of Upper/Lower Bavarian origin.

(But maybe it sounds improper on this board, but I would still better
drive a car from
Upper Bavaria, than from Detroit. Actually, the only car Detroit sells I
do like is
made in Rüsselsheim - which is not in Bavaria. Too bad, these idiots
from GM marketing
removed the nice Opel logo and don't offer the Omega MV-6 wagon here)

George Rath