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Re: Sources for Audi Accessories, Clothing, etc.

> Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 00:13:24 -0400
> From: Elliott Potter <epotter@abraxis.com>
> Subject: Re: Sources for Audi Accessories, Clothing, etc.
> I was about to post the exceptionally long list of accessories to the
> list when I realised where I got it from...
> All of these items should be available from your dealer, though they
> will probably have to be special ordered.  They are actual Audi part
> numbers so just ask.
> http://www.audi.co.za/boutique/index.html
> Elliott

I went to my dealer with numbers sourced from the above website, (Sport
keychain, etc.) and they all came up bad. The parts guy at Rietzl says
that there is no Audi Accessories Catalog in the states, period.

* Ramana Lagemann		           mailto:elmool@tiac.net	*
* Cohasset, MA				1990 Coupe Q	*