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Re: Has anyone tried CC pads on cross-drilled rotors?
At 11:59 AM 7/18/97 +0500, Peter Schulz wrote:
>The general concensus on the list has been that the CCs work
>best with stock or slotted rotors. Has anyone tried to use
>a carbon pad on 1. drilled rotors, and 2. has anyone tried
>new pads on existing rotors?
Peter - I've done both. Right now, I have CCs with slotted rotors (per Paul
Weston) on my 200qw, and CCs w/cross-drilled Brembos on my 90q. When I
first starting using CCs I put them on existing rotors.
My comments - CCs on my x-drilled Brembos are *great*. A little noisy
(groany) when stopping hard (more than the slotted ones), but fantastic
performance. Do it. You can put the CCs on existing rotors as long as they
are within spec, but I would bed them in gently over a couple of days for
best performance. Just my .02......SLM
Steve Manning: stephenm@ix.netcom.com (Metro D.C. area, USA)
....Mainly Mopars; also Audi '88 90Q/'90 200tqw; other stuff
......BMWCCA #93xxx, FCA, SDAC, USCC, QCUSA, Wagons of Steel, etc.