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Re: Straussenfest STL
QUATTRO1@aol.com wrote:
> I was thinking if we could get enough people, I could maybe call the
> organizers and maybe we could get special parking? It's worth a
> shot. I
> willl try to call tomorrow. I am pretty sure that the VW show starts
> around
> noon, and maybe we Audi owners could talk and have a few brats (and
> also show
> our excellent german engineering off maybe?). I will try to find a
> few more
> people and will try to contact a few more people. I will keep you
> posted and
> keep in touch.
I will be in Chicago for that weekend, so I cannot go. By the way any
Chicago listers that would like to get together on Aug1-3, e-mail me so
that we can set something up.
Anyway, for Saint Louis, I was thinking of getting something together at
Forest Park sometime in September. Possibly reserving the Worlds Fair
Pavillion and Parking lot for the festivities. If anyone would be
interested in attending such a function, let me know and I will post
back anything I find out.
Randall C. Markarian
1990 V8 Quattro
1996 Merc E320
Saint Louis, Missouri