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Solution for electrical contact problems
Hello qlisters,
The last few days I have been posting a lot of questions, so I will
reciprocate here. I have used De-Oxit on electrical contacts with great
success. I use it several times a week on the job as well as in Audi's.
The best example is in the older style (1984 4000 for example) window
switches. You can take them apart. Dont lose the springs, ball bearings
or two copper? contactors. Do liberally paint conductors in the housing
and the contactors with De-oxit. Wipe off after 30 seconds with cotton
swabs. Re-assemble. Every switch that I have done this to has never
failed again. The De-Oxit is red and comes in a bottle much like finger
nail polish only smaller and pricier at electronics parts supply stores.
Hope this helps,