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RE: Colt vs Audi. Colt -> Glue Factory

May the best car win! Sorry to hear you got in that kind of competition
at all, and glad to hear you're OK. Look at the exhaust. I got tagged
from behind in my '89 90, and it pushed the tailpipe forward, bending
the pipe forward of the rear muffler, and broke the rubber hangers.
Another thing to check is the rear bumper supports: did they absorb any
of the impact (i.e. now need to be replaced)? HTH.
-Ian Duff.
	-----Original Message-----
	From:	J. Sala [SMTP:jsala@skynet.uah.ualberta.ca]
	Sent:	Tuesday, 22 July 1997 10:37 AM
	To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
	Cc:	audi-20v@avs.com
	Subject:	Colt vs Audi. Colt -> Glue Factory

	While I was successfully dodged an orangutan in a beat up red
Mustang who
	was intent on crash-testing my Coupe Quattro, I was unable to
get out of
	the way of a second one in a Dodge Colt. His projectile impacted
the Coupe
	from behind, rendering the Colt dead (no pun intended, but I'll
take it). 

	The Coupe is fully functional. A bit beat up, but every light,
	hatch still works perfectly. The witnesses were likewise amazed
in the 
	inequity in damage. 

	Anyone have any advice on finding hidden damage before I go to
the adjusters?

	Jon Sala 
	Clinical Engineering
	Walter McKenzie Centre 0D1.00
	University of Alberta Hospitals 	(403) 492-6711
	Capital Health Authority
	8440 112 Street
	Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T6G-2B7