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My forthcoming U.K. trip

In message <33D58C00.3D56@ix.netcom.com> Igor Kessel writes:

> Could anyone possibly tell me, where East Sussex and Essex are located?
> In respect to London.

Exactly the opposite side from Bourne End.  Indeed, if I were going to either 
of them, I wouldn't start from there. 

> On a side note: are there any U.K. quattro-related events falling on the above 
> said dates?

Yeovil Festival of Speed, 9/10 August, down in Somerset.  Usually about ten 
The local area meeting for Bourne End is on 7 August.  Go down the M40 to 
the A43, turn towards Northampton and then turn towards Buckingham when you get 
on the Brackley bypass.  The Robin Hood is on the right after about three 
miles.  Starts at 20:00.  Expect five to six ur-quattros, including mine if I'm 
not in the USA.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club

 (Anyone got a use for a 19mm Allen driver?)