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How_I_remove a stock Audi radio

Michael Williams wrote:
> Does anyone know how to get to the radio in an 85 Coupe GT?
Rick H. Louie wrote:
> Yep, the radio requires a couple of special tools that fit into the fourholes on either 
> side of the radio, which will then release the radio. 
Robert Myers wrote:
> Not hardly.  These very special tools can be made from two 6 inch pieces of coat hanger wire.
Igor Kessel wrote:
> And if you file a circumferential groove at each end of each *tool* at  ~5mm off each tip, 
> the need for yor third hand will have become redundunt, coz you'll be able to fish the radio 
> out with those hooks. One more thing: sharpen the tips with a file. Will be a lot easier to 
> insert them. 

I'm lazier than that, I take four allen wrenches (a wide variety of
sizes will work) and stick 
'em in the holes, then I pull the radio out by the cassette hole.  Works
for me every time, YMMV.


Ken (I need a left 4k taillight) Keith
'86 Audi Coupe GT                                    
'85 Audi 4k Quattro                                  
'94 Saturn SL2                                       
for sale:  Coupe GT driver door, misc car hydraulics