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Re: Why They Should Have Built the Avus
In a message dated 97-07-29 04:29:51 EDT, coolidge@tidalwave.net (George S
Achorn III) writes:
<< Hi all, I was thinking. Audi should have built the Avus. Yes, I know it
wasn't realistic. Even worse it would have been 911 competition. Still at
$100K even with a tuned version of the V8 4.2L from the S8, it would have
been a screamer, and what a car it was. Too bad. They should still do it
though. What an image leader. It'd make the Viper look like yesterday's
news. How about a private contractor to build the chassis, use S8
mechanicals and S8 17" Avus rims. Okay I'll wake up now. >>
Reality check. Even when Audi toyed with the idea of building the AVUS, it
was with a $1,000,000 price tag. Pretty small market.