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<Audi> ISV question
Anyone know why I can't interchange the ISV between a NG (130hp atmo) and MC
(turbo/2 knock sensor) engine? Of course they are different part #'s and
the NG has a Bosch while the MC has a VDO, but the hose/electrical
connections are the same.
Bentley gives detailed electrical specs for the MC ISV, but not for the NG
ISV. I'm primarily afraid of blowing something electrical; also wondering
if the NG ISV can stand positive manifold pressure.
Any help appreciated....BTW I'm doing this to try to solve my (ongoing)
idling problem on my 90q.....SLM
Steve Manning: stephenm@ix.netcom.com (Metro D.C. area, USA)
....Mainly Mopars; also '88 90Q/'90 200tqw/'88 635csi; other stuff
......BMWCCA #93xxx, FCA, USCC, QCUSA, Wagons of Steel, etc.