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Re: 90CSQ Impressions (and a question)
At 02:00 PM 8/5/97 -0400, Elliott Potter wrote:
>>Now a question. I hand washed the car over the weekend (which is why its
>>raining now. :-) I noticed as I was drying the inside of all the door
>>frames that all the inside door panels are loose at the bottom of the door.
>>I looked for obvious screw holes with missing screws but found none. Is
>>this normal constructions!? What can I do to secure better the panels to
>>the doors, hopefully without impeding future access to the inside of the
>How loose? Do they move just a little (i.e. 1/8 - 1/4 inch) or more?
I'd say they move no more than 1/8 inch, and only at the bottom.
>Does the door frame seem to squeeze toward the door when the door is
I can't tell. Don't have the right angle to really see that.
>Does it rattle?
Well, that's what I'm wondering. You know how it is: You're driving along,
go over some bumps in the road, and you hear rattling from "the back seat"
but you can't pinpoint where... If I can secure the panels to the door
frames, I think that'd at least eliminate them as the source of any more
>Are they loose in any other spots? Are *all* four doors the same?
Just at the bottoms. I checked 2 doors. I'll have to look at the others again.
>The only possibility I can think of right off is this: the door panel
>has little "fingers" that grab onto the door itself. The holes in the
>door frame where these fingers go are insulated by thick rubber pads,
>which fall off and get lost when you take off the door panels. It's
>possible that the previous owner took off the door panels, lost some of
>the rubber pads, and decided that the best idea would be to have missing
>pads on the bottom, where it's less noticeable if the panels move a
>little. Either that or he put the panels on improperly and the fingers
>didn't go into their respective holes properly.
The previous owner was NOT an enthusiest, as far as I can tell. She would
have had no reason to be removing door panels, near as I can tell. But that
doesn't mean they were never removed. So the theory about the rubber pads
seems plausable. I'll have to look into that.
>Or it could be normal. ...
Well, that's what I'm waiting for someone to tell me. :-)
Mark H. Granoff Mark.Granoff@Software.com
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