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Re: AC vs MPG

At 07:20 PM 8/6/97 -0400, you wrote:
>... immediately see the instantaneous MPG drop by about 3 miles/gal! Isn't
>a bit too much? I'd expect 1 or two at most, but don't really know the
>typical cost. My AC clutch seems in need of repair as indicated by the
>occasional squawking it does. I wonder if there's (that much) extra drag
>from a bad AC clutch?

3MPG seems high to me. Perhaps the drop is offset by the fact that most
compressors cycle on-and-off while the A/C is running. So the overall drop
in mileage with the A/C on is less than 3MPG, perhaps in the range of the 1
to 2MPG you expected.