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RE: Water leaks (wet driver foot well)

Okay, here's my brain dump on the subject (Based on Rabbit GTi's and
4000s quattro's)

The sunroof will usually have four drains, one at each corner.  The
drains tubes usually
run down the A and C pillars.  If you open your front doors you may see
where the drain
tube exits near the base of the A pillar.

Based on my experience, these don't usually fail or dislodge themselves
until we disturb
them.  Then they're a general PITA to get back in place.  Frankly, if
you just had the AC
drain replaced, check there first.  Perhaps they mucked in up in suck a
way that it now
drains to the driver footwell.

As the front left sunroof drain tube runs through the driver's A pillar,
you should be able to
check it easily, and see if it drains to the driver floor:
  Open the sunroof, locate the drain tube opening in the front left
corner of the sunroof, add
  water.  This water should drain out by the door and rear of left

If the floor becomes wet, have fun fixing...


Stott Hare
Policy Administration Team


> ----------
> From:
> Mark.Granoff@Software.com[SMTP:Mark.Granoff@Software.com]
> Sent: 	Thursday, August 07, 1997 1:15 PM
> To: 	Hare,Stott (X); quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: 	Re: Water leaks (wet driver foot well)
> Well, I've received a number of good ideas:
> 1. Windshield leak
> 2. AC leak
> 3. Sunroof drain(s) clogged
> 4. Firewall leak
> I think an AC leak is ruled out. I hear they usually manifest
> themselves in
> the passenger side footwell. My leak is in the driver side footwell,
> and I
> just had the AC drain hose replaced.
> Since it rained 2 days ago and I only noticed the water today, I tend
> to
> think the sunroof drains might be the culprit, and I'd like to check
> them
> Can anyone tell me the procedure for locating and checking these
> drains?
> If I only have water in the driver side footwell (and not say, behind
> the
> driver seat), is it safe to assume the problem is limited to just one
> of
> the sunroof drains (if its the sunroof drains at all)?
> There is a place I can leave the car and for $40/hour they will locate
> the
> leak for me. I'd rather not do that though...
> Any other suggestions for things to check myself are greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -Mark
> --
> Mark H. Granoff
> Mark.Granoff@Software.com
>       Software.com, Inc. - The Internet Infrastructure Company (tm)
>                  91 Hartwell Avenue, Lexington, MA 02173
>  Phone: +1.617.274.7000 x226, FAX: +1.617.674.1080, W3:
> www.software.com
> Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily
> Software.com's.