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Re: 4KQ's

According to the Dunop full line catalog.  The D60 A2 tires in size 196 60
14 complete 916 revolutions in 1 mile.   so 5280/916*12 = 69.2" rolling
circumference.  Yes I know 195 60 14 computes to a circumference. of 72.9;
however you must take into account the  loaded radius.

for instance the 205 50 15 D40 M2 is:

   Diameter    Loaded        Rolling         Revolutions
                        Radius           Circ.            per mile
   23.2    10.7     70.5    898	

Perhaps this will explain some of the differences in our calculations.


> From: James Marriott <marriott@lesbois.com>
> To: Bruce Bell <bbell@bbell.com>
> Cc: rxlouie@uswest.com; Quattro List postings <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
> measurements were done over a five-mile stretch set up as a speedo/odo
> test section. This particular measurement is based on a 73"
> circumference. I haven't measured the rolling radius at 75 MPH. For the
> FD to be 3.89, the rolling radius would have to be 0.6 inches less than
> the circumference/pi. I do not think it's that much; maybe more like 0.2
> inches.