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RE: engine seems OK

Sheesh, Dan, I thought you were on vacation! Sorry to hear anything but
travelogue from you, hope all is OK! Pay no attention to the thread
about train drivers needing to be registered with the State to fully
-Ian Duff.
	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Dan Simoes [SMTP:dans@ans.net]
	Sent:	Saturday, August 09, 1997 8:37 AM
	To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
	Subject:	engine seems OK

	Well, did an oil and filter change on the 4kq and it seems OK.
	There was a lingering tapping that seems to have subsided - only
	time will tell I guess.  Culprit is definitely a valve cover
	gasket though.

	The other big problem that almost had me trading it in was that
	heard her pull in the night before and the tires squealed.  I 
	drove it and it felt weird, like a flat tire or seized caliper.
	Nope, while driving it in the daylight I noticed the diff lock
	set to position 2, both lights on!

	Ah, owners manuals.  Maybe if they came in flowery victorian
	for women they would get read... :|

	| Dan |
	Dan Simoes                                dans@ans.net
	ANS Communications 		http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
	100 Clearbrook Road                     (914) 789-5378 (voice)
	Elmsford, NY 10523                      (914) 789-5310 (fax)