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Re: 2.8 Avant '98

At 06:17 PM 08/12/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Anyone heard anything about the new 2.8 A4 Avant?

A local dealer (near Baltimore, MD) told me they will start arriving in October. Anyone else hear October?

FWIW, I am working on setting up a meeting with this dealership and the Mid-Atlantic QCUSA chapter (and/or any other folks), and he said that if we hold a meeting there sometime around then, he'll arrange to have lots of different cars for us to test drive (i.e. A4 Avant and sedans, in all sorts of versions ie. tiptronic, 5 speed, and the new A6 etc...). Sounds good to me!! :-)

Now.. if only I can convince him to let us loose with an A8!! :-)

Jim Griffin
Maryland, USA
"Perception is often stronger than reality!"
'92 100S