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Bosch FI manuals

Hello again,

First, thanks to all who replied to my questions, but that thing about 
the VW 2079 and torque multiplication, along with the synth versus dino 
thing was a joke. I was just seeing if I could rekindle some of those 
grand old discussions. Oh, well...

The girlfriend got the 90 coupe q, 50k mi for $10,000 US. . I love the 
thing. It is in great condition-- bought from Byers 
Jagyouahh/Audi/Porch/Ovlov in Columbus Ohio. Anyone know anything about 
its history? It struck me as odd that it had Moda M1s on it-- the guy 
said that the old wheels were in bad shape-- wonder what the story is. 
We will buy Bentleys soon, but can anyone tell me how to remove the trim 
surrounding the seat heater, defrost, and other switches in the middle? 
I am going to need to perform bulb surgery. Same for the driver's window 
switch. And another thing-- she doesn't have a manual for it, though she 
is working on it-- when the light(LED) on the rear diff switch is lit, 
does that mean locked or unlocked? She can't tell-- "What's a 
differential do?"-- and I'm 3 hours away.

Most importantly, I remember talk a few months ago about a Bosch FI 
manual-- I'd like to buy it if anyone could tell me the author and 
title. Which FI components usually fail? Pretty complicated stuff, but 
with a name like "Jetronic", it's got to be good!

Take Care,
Ted Harlan

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