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Re: Bumper Stickers (was Re: Hand signal for listers?)

At 05:20 PM 8/21/97 -0400, Brendan wrote:
>Q-List bumper stickers!  I like it!  ...

Better than bumper stickers (because I'm loathe to put such a thing on any
car) would be window decals (that are applied on the inside and face out).
Something that fit nicely in the corner of the windshield, perhaps a 4x4
square or something... I'm thinking of a Quattro Club decal I saw on a
friends A4. He had it on the left rear "butterfly" window.

Now all we need is a good logo for the list... :-) Any graphic designers
out there?

Mark H. Granoff                                 Mark.Granoff@Software.com
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