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The Finger-- Was: Re: Intro 2/2 (buying) (no Audi content)

> Mark, can't help you out with the purchase. But I'm wondering why you keep
>giving us the finger?
>- -----Original Message-----
>From: Mark L. Chang <mchang@iname.com>
>>              <PGP> finger mchang@mail.clsp.jhu.edu
>                               ?????

Well, you need to finger his e-mail address to find his public PGP key,
of course!

If that made absolutely no sense, but you want it to, read on.

A UNIX program that takes an e-mail address as input and
returns information about the user who owns that e-mail
address. On some systems, finger only reports whether the
user is currently logged on. Other systems return additional
information, such as the user's full name, address, and
telephone number. Of course, the user must first enter this
information into the system. 

"PGP:" [acronym for "Pretty Good Privacy"]
A technique for encrypting messages developed by Philip
Zimmerman. PGP is one of the most common ways to
protect messages on the Internet because it is effective,
easy to use, and free. PGP is based on the public-key
method, which uses two keys -- one is a public key that you
disseminate to anyone from whom you want to receive a
message.[the public key is what you get when you finger him]
The other is a private key that you use to decrypt
messages that you receive. 

For those who are still interested, here's what you get if you finger
his e-mail address:

}Version: 2.6.2
}[snipped because it's a large paragraph of gibberish]
}Your own personal Ran-Dumb-Quote(tm), r78h47.res.gatech.edu:
}I think that all right-thinking people in this country are sick and
}tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this
}country with being sick and tired.  I'm certainly not!  But I'm
}sick and tired of being told that I am!  -- Monty Python
}Mark L. Chang // @CLSP/410/5167030 @home8893202 @cell2456283
}     h t t p : / / w w w . c l s p . j h u . e d u / ~ m c h a n g