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Re: rough idle&stalling, Help?

At 09:57 AM 8/27/97 +1000, you wrote:
>All was okay when I replaced my crankcase hose. I was able to remove
>the dipstick and the engine would recover. Now all is bad, sometimes she
>can barely
>recover and sometimes she stalls. I've checked my hoses and all seem
>okay. This
>started when I replaced the damn fuel check valve on the fuel pump (new
>pump assembly on order) the valve I put in was slightly smaller in size
>than the one I took out. any ideas on what happened ( I know, if it
>didn't look the same I should of left it alone)?
>My other problem I have never been able to figure it out, according to
>the Bentley and
>other shop manuals (Mitchell) when the A/C is on my rpms should kick up,
>has never happened instead they drop, and slowly (not all the time ) it
>may level off back
>to about 780 rpms.
>Last but not least I continue to have my hardstart problem (after I
>replaced the
>check valve the engine began stalling right after startup). Is there a
>that is related to all this (besides the fuel check valve)?

The idle control module (large rectangular relay module under dash by yer
knee) controls the idle. The signal comes from the AC control head, passes
through the after run relay on its way to this module.

It ain't cheap.

********************************AUDI FAN***********************************
                                   EMCM(SW) Dave Head  
87 5KCStq 204K miles                1.7 bar 
    qcusa #3442                 Maitland, Florida   