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DRUNK driver!

> [Image][ABCNEWS.com  Now Always On]
>                                                                [Image]
>  Levels Deemed ‘Criminal’
>  Diana’s Driver Was Drunk
>                                [Image]                         [Image]
>        [Image]                        [Image]                  RELATED
>   [Image]      ABCNEWS.com                                     STORIES
>                P A R I S — A Paris prosecutor says the driver  [Image]
>                of the car that crashed and killed Princess
>   The World    Diana had a “criminal” blood-alcohol level.     England
>   Reacts            The driver, an employee of Paris’ Hotel    Mourns
>                Ritz, where Diana and her companion Dodi Al     Princess
>   [Image]      Fayed dined before they died in Sunday’s        Diana
>   The          crash, had a blood alcohol level above the
>   Paparazzi's  legal limit when the car he was driving
>   Dark Shadow                                                  [Image]
>                Mercedes-Benz careened off the wall of a
>   [Image]      tunnel and collided with a bridge support. He   WORLD NEWS
>   Diana: Life  was killed in the accident, along with Diana
>   in the       and Al Fayed.
>   Spotlight         “The analysis of his blood showed a
>                concentration of alcohol at an illicit level,”
>   [Image]      a statement said.
>   Dodi Al           The driver reportedly was the No. 2
>   Fayed: Lived security man at the Ritz Hotel and was not a
>   Like a       professional chauffeur.
>   Prince            Europe 1 radio identified the driver
>                today only as “Monsieur Paul.” It said Fayed's
>                regular driver had left earlier in another
>        [Image] vehicle as a decoy to throw photographers off
>                the trail.                                      [Image]
>                     Mercedes-Benz confirmed today that the
>  [Image]       sedan in which the couple were riding was an   [[Image]
>               [armored vehicle. Because of their extra         E-mail
>                weight, such vehicles can be difficult for an   ABCNEWS.com
>                inexperienced driver to handle.
>           “The      The prosecutor also said, in an apparent
>    analysis of reference to photographers who were pursuing
>      his blood the car when it crashed, that the probe found
>       showed a some eyewitnesses stood idly by without trying
>  concentration to aid the victims of the crash.
>     of alcohol      The prosecutor plans to order a judicial
>          at an probe into the accident but said that any
>        illicit charges would not be decided until the end of
>        level,” the probe.
>        — Paris      Seven photographers remained in police
>     prosecutor custody for a second day on Monday while
>                prosecutors weighed whether a case could be
>                brought against them on possible charges
>        [Image] ranging from manslaughter to failing to help
>                people in danger.
>                     French investigators hope to find clues
>                to the fatal accident in the 20 rolls of film
>                confiscated from the photographers.
>                     Six of the photographers are from France
>                and one is from Macedonia. Some were not
>                paparazzi but legitimate news workers who
>                covered Hong Kong's recent handover to China,
>                the 1990 Gulf War and other top stories,
>                French media reported this morning.
>                The Associated Press and Reuters contibuted to
>                this report.
>  [Image]
>  [Image]
>  [Copyright 1997 ABCNews and Starwave Corporation. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed in any form.
>                                                                      [Image]
>                                                                  [Image]