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5kQT squealing

Hi everyone,
	I am fairly new at the Audi ownership, and I have a problem.  When I start
the car there is a squeal, it sounds as though the starter is still
enguaged after the engine is running.  The only audible noise comes when
the car is not in gear, both in neutral and when the clutch is enguaged.
Otherwise, it sounds fine.  
	My thought is that there might not be enough fluid in the transmition,
this sound is also similar to metal spinning on metal without lubrication.
I have looked under the car and found the oil drain and filler plugs, and I
think the fluid should be just below the filler one.  
	What I am looking for is any aditional advice or sugestions as to the
problem, also the best type of fluid to use if I am correct.


p.s.  have a Bentley already