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Re: Thank God Diana wasn't in an Audi A8

RELAYER@aol.com wrote:
> Boy, with all the witch hunting going on about Diana's MBS600, I'm glad she
> wasn't in an A8.  Last thing we would need is all these journalist who are
> searching for a scapegoat to question the safety of the Aluminum Space Frame.
>  We all know that it is a safe car, in the A8 brochure there is a comparison
> of crash tested A8 and MB S class, and the A8 is less deformed.  BUT we all
> know how journalist can be with cars (Unintended Acceleration), and how they
> love to blame car manufacturers.
>         Even with this proof of excessive speed, unrestrained passengers, and
> high blood alcohol content, I saw the news trying to bring the car's safety
> in question, and we all know that the MB is one of the safest cars in the
> world.  No one could have lived through that accident in any car.  Just thank
> God that they weren't in an A8, because they would be bringing up U.I. all
> over again.
> I do feel bad for MB having to deal with this heat and witch hunting.

Maybe... Anyway, let's move on the issue. I just LOVE jounalists. I just
they won't get in a bad accident because of Unintended Acceleration of
crappy Audis - as they speed to Cupertino to report about the demise,
and "Chapter 11" of Apple Computer, Inc. (who has no debts, but 1.4
cash in the bank).

Maybe - they just don't like the "A" letters, (Audi/Apple) since they
had mostly
"C" or "D" ones in the school? Sure, A-S6+ sounds awful, if your brain
capable of only "D-". ;^)

George Rath

'97 A6QW
'95 Mitsubishi Diamante
(former) Apple Employee #32711