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Re: 88 90q computer ?????

At 01:52 PM 9/4/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Just got a 88 90q w/ 95K and have noticed some glitchs in the computer,
>any help would be great:
>1) driving time: sometimes goes blank or flashes 2:00

This is not a problem, it's a "feature".  The Audi gods have decreed that
over two hours behind the wheel is too long to be driving without at least a
15 minute break.  If you hit the reset button the display will return only
to "disappear" again at 4:00 and 6:00 and...

>2) fuel left in tank is not working?

My display is fuel consumed since your last start-up not fuel remaining.
Are you misreading it?

>3) milage is not steady, bounces from 90/per to 24./per and up and down

Is this your "instantaneous" fuel mileage figure?  Or have you recently
reset the display?  Either way your display will fluctuate wildly until a
number of miles have been accumulated.  BTW, these numbers are notorious for
inaccuracy.  They'll give you an idea of your mileage but if you want an
accurate figure you have to do it the old-fashioned way.

>4) my gas milage was about avg. 32 last week and now have 20, whats
>~normal for these engines ( I know this is a loaded ?)

It depends on the weight of your vehicle and the weight of your foot.  A
heavy foot in a heavy car gives lower mileage.  30+ on the highway at a
gentle cruise is expected.  18 mph is more like it if you run the stoplight

>5) what is the test for the computer? I think the thing is funky? flat
>line displays, fixed driving time blah blah blah

Crappy display - blocks of flashing etc are caused by poor connections
within the instrument cluster (IC).  I'm not sure if your IC is digital or
mechanical.  I'm assuming it's digital (with analog display).  Pull the IC
from the dash (several small phillips head screws accessible from underneath
the dash.  This will expose more screws after a trim piece is removed.
Remove these screws and the IC will come out.  It should tilt toward you and
then work out toward your right.  It's a bit of a "Chinese puzzle" but it
should come OK.  Removing the steering wheel will make it easier.  Once the
IC is in your hands, remove the back and clean the various multi pin
connectors found inside.  Reassembly is the reverse of disassembly.  :-)
You got it apart now you get to put it back together.  Not that bad.  I can
do this job on my '89 200tq in about 15-20 minutes but I've done it before.

>6) today on a cold hah cool 54 the engine had a hard time starting,
>needed to get it jumped.  pain in the ass

Check the battery.  If it's been in there a long time it's probably time to
replace it on general principles.  

Check the output of the alternator.  The voltage regulator has a tendency to
stop functioning correctly.

Good luck.

*  Robert L. Myers    rmyers@inetone.net      Home 304-574-2372 *
*  Rt. 1, Box 57                         FAX/Modem 304-574-1166 *
*  Fayetteville, WV 25840                     WV tag Q SHIP     *
*  Obligatory quattro and sleddog-L references:                 *
*  My 3 Siberian Huskies enjoy riding in my '89 200TQ           *