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RE: attn UK-URQ listers--need advice

From: 	owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Mike Hopton
>     AM Cars, very helpful, prompt service
>     Dialynx, I've spoken with Aelred a couple of times, always very 
>     helpful.
Ditto, ditto, ditto. I ordered a new head the day before they started a one 
week holiday, they dont hold stock of them so it was ordered from the 
fatherland and it was despatched to me on their first day back at work. Aelred 
seems to be happy to talk all day, so much so that I find it difficult to end 
a phone call. 
My car has got Dialynx manifold, cam, front discs.

>     Quattro Sports, never dealt with them, any one BTDWT?
Yeah, I got a new brake bias valve at a good price and some advice from Kim, 
although I understand his prices for used parts are high. IME he can be rather 
off-hand at times.
>     German and Swedish
Competitive prices and they like to employ people who have worked for main 
dealers. Parts shifters rather than specialists though.

>     In the Audi/VW classifieds there is always a fairly large ad for 
>    someone advertising "I HAVE the largest sstock of second hand quattro 
>     turbo parts in the country...". Anyone on the list done business with 
>     this place, no name or company given therefore I've never called.
Check the phone number - its Quattro Sports.

Jim Haseltine
88 Ur quattro