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Wheel cleaner CHEEP
I know some of you like to spend money on your cars and the stuff you
put on them. Wheel Cleaner is one which is a waste. I have worked with
many fine restoration shops (three Peble Beach winners) and they USE
only TIRE CLEANER for everything. It costs about 2.50 for a 20oz bottle
and at that price you can use it three times a month. Its safe on
everything, enigine bays, uncar, cement floors, paint included (
wheels). For stuff that has been on for a long time, spray it on wait
5-10minutes and powerwash it off. Sometimes they spray it on and leave
it on then when they get to the show (no trailer queens here) they
reapply the stuff and power wash it off. Give it a try its great
BEAKMAN'S WORLD ON TOUR coming to your town soon
J. Kurt Bonk
353 Reno Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
215 625 2661
16 Deer Run
Big Flats, NY 14814
607 562 3351
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