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RE: Where to get V1 radar detector

The Valentine is offered strictly factory direct, prices run like this:

V1 Radar Locator: $329
V1 Radar Locartor w/ Laser Detection: $399
Concealed Display Module $69

the number is 1-800-331-3030

btw, the concealed display module dims the display on the detector and 
gives one on a module that may be mounted on the lighter plug or dash.

later, Jason.

On: 9/5/97 8:50 AM  you wrote:

>Only source is direct from Valentine, for whatever they deem an
>appropriate charge. Dan has indicated they offer factory refurb units
>occasionally, but I'm not sure how to get them this way, nor how much
>you could save.
>-Ian Duff.
>	-----Original Message-----
>	From:	Christopher Hlubb [SMTP:chlubb@hotmail.com]
>	Sent:	Thursday, 04 September 1997 7:10 PM
>	To:	Quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>	Subject:	Where to get V1 radar detector
>	Hey guys,
>	     I have been looking for a cheaper place to find the
>Valentine One 
>	radar detector that I here so much about. Most of the articles I
>	found showed it for its msrp of about $400. Any leads would be
>	                                     Thanks,
>	                                     Chris
>	98 A4 2.8 Quattro
>	______________________________________________________
>	Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

1997 A4q 1.8T
1990 90q20v
1986 4000CSq