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Re: 6 speed ratios

On 10 Sep, Malcolm White wrote:
> Does anyone have the mph/1000rpm figures for the S4 6-speed manual box?
> It's just that BRMotorsport are quoting a clocked top speed of over
> 170mph for their 315bhp conversion.

  The six-speed gearbox has shorter 3rd, 4th and 5th gears, with 6th
  being same as the old 5th (0.73).  Hoppen Motorsport offers the
  conversion kit in the US, costing around $6000 for the parts.

  I have the Hoppen literature at home, and could send you the ratios,
  if you like.

  I've been told that 170 - 175 is about limit for the S4, because of
  gearing (our final drive is quite short, at 4.11.)

  I'd looked around for a 0.50 6th, which I wanted for those long
  highway trips, but couldn't find one.

Dave Brady                    FAS Computer Services
Sr UNIX Sys Admin/Programmer  Harvard University
brady@fas.harvard.edu         LL1A Science Center
Phone: (617) 495-1273         1 Oxford Street
FAX:   (617) 495-1210         Cambridge, MA 02138